
Lula 3d multi2 isopure
Lula 3d multi2 isopure

lula 3d multi2 isopure

Rejoice, Virgin Bride of God, the restoration of fallen man, * the mortification of Hades, O blameless one, * and the palace of * the only King and Sovereign, * rejoice. O Maiden and Virgin pure, the great Archangel beholding you * the animate book of Christ which by the Spirit was sealed * did exclaim to you: * Rejoice, O joy’s container, * through whom shall the curse upon * the primal mother be loosed.

lula 3d multi2 isopure

(Twice) Troparia Royksopp the understanding rar chomikuj. * I will joyously * attend the celebration * and sing to her merrily, * lauding her miracles. * A word shall I then pour out * unto the Mother and Queen. My mouth shall I open wide, * and it will thus be with Spirit filled. Your browser does not support the audio tag. In the evening, we read Small Compline through the Creed, and then chant the Canon of the Akathist in its entirety, in each ode doing six troparia, including the eirmos as indicated: Canon of the Akathist by Saint Joseph the Hymnographer Ode One. The Service of the Salutations to the Most Holy Theotokos Chanted at Small Compline on the Fridays of Lent On the first four Fridays of Lent, according to the current Constantinopolitan prac­tice, we chant the Service of the Salutations to the Theotokos at Small Compline. On the fifth Friday of Lent, we chant the Canon of the Akathist in its entirety.

lula 3d multi2 isopure

On the first four Fridays of Lent, we chant the Service of the Salutations to the Theotokos at Small Compline. Rejoice, star that shows forth the Sun Rejoice, womb in which God became incarnate.

Lula 3d multi2 isopure